Popular social media made comedian and actor, Debo Adebayo, popularly known as Mr Macaroni, has rained curses on a Twitter user who accused him of being a mole working for the opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
Macaroni in his statement denied working for the opposition party.
A Twitter user identified as Lekan Adigun had tweeted on Wednesday that the comedian was working for the opposition party.
Reacting to the statement on Thursday, Macaroni denied the allegation by raining curses on the man.
Macaroni tweeted, “It is Misfortune you will cross path with not me. May misfortune be onto you and all yours if your allegations against me are false! Oribuuku ni Iwo ati awon toku e ma se. I wish you this and many many more misfortune…”
E dey pain them as I dey use the platform wey God give me speak against our Oppressors who are their masters. Not all of us will sell our conscience. This will be the last time I will cuss out like that. I’m sorry.. Iwo ati Awon toku e o ni shoriburuku ooo. Ofo le ma Se! Folded hands,” he added.