By Kelechi Imo
Many a times, I try to understand the reasons why people are extremely selfish, wicked and evil. Immediately, the bible comes to mind when it reads that the heart of man is evil and desperately wicked.
I also came to discover that being bad comes with a price and being good comes with a bigger price. Most of the time, humans tend to forget the good you did for them and write you off by what perhaps they might perceive as bad or wicked you did to them. Too bad but that is the reality of life.
Being good or evil does not require you being a Christian or whatever faith you belong to. You can only achieve goodness, if only you have humanity in mind.
Humanity does not look at your colour of skin nor religion, political affiliation nor diplomatic relations. Humanity does not look at gender nor sexual orientation. It still does not look at where one comes from nor the culture of ones people.
Humanity does not give a damn to what your pastor, primate, pope,grandmaster, chief priest etc compelled you to believe but looks out of ways to make our world a better, more secured and peaceful place.
As an elected president, head of state or government, governor, mayor or senator, it is you sole responsibility to make polices and execute them based on humanity. If the people are your major interest, you will prioritize road infrastructure, salaries, pension, gratuity and employment for teeming unemployed youths within your jurisdiction or constituency.
If humanity is your major concern as an elected official, you will prioritize the safety of your citizens, irrespective of colour, ethnicity or religion.
Just for instance, in the early hours of the pandemic, the Chinese government understood the need to save humanity from the outbreak deadly virus known as coronavirus. These they did by building a special hospital under six days to tackle the virus. I think, that is the fastest of its kind and science and technology at its best.
Humanity requires you to give arms to the needy. To help in bringing about peace in a troubled area.
Humanity will make you not to steal welfare packages meant for people who have been made homeless either by Flood, Boko Harram, Wars et cetera. Humanity will force you to do needful by ensuring that, those affected by these problems are kept comfortable.
Humanity will never encourage you to rub Peter to pay Paul but will try to make it a win win situation for all.
Humanity will not wait for you to go to church and know the gospel before you can help your fellow brethren who is in need.
Humanity will not allow you to swindle a white woman in internet fraud and justify it as payback for what our colonial masters did to us Africans.
Humanity will also not allow the SARs operatives to see every young man doing well as a criminal. Humanity will not allow some of these operatives to negotiate percentage at the point of arrests.
Humanity will not allow you rub a husband and a wife of all they had and still kill them in front of their kids. Oh what a world!!
Humanity will not allow you to sleep with a young lady who is old enough to be your granddaughter, all because she wants a Job, money, score or something precious she knows you can offer her.
Humanity will not wait until it is in a sorry state before you that has capacity can tackle the challenges of your immediate environment before it is done.
Humanity for me, is the only tool that can make the world a better place.
We all should as much as we can be human and let God, posterity judge us all.
Good evening!
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