1. Warts
A wart is a small, hard, benign growth on the skin, caused by a virus. The main symptom is a fleshy, painless growth on the skin. Common areas affected include the hands, feet and genitals.
How to treat warts with banana peels;
Before going to sleep, put a piece of banana peel on top of the wart and cover this with a bandage. Repeat every night until the wart falls off.
2. Wrinkles
Wrinkles are lines or folds on the skin.
To fight wrinkles;
Rub your face with the inside of the peel and wait for half an hour before thoroughly washing your face.
3. White teeth
The inside of a banana peel can whiten your teeth. On daily basis, rub the inside of the peel on your teeth.
Other benefits according to Webmd are;
Depression Relief:
The high levels of tryptophan in bananas, combined with the B6 in banana peels, can help relieve some symptoms of depression and other mood disorders. Tryptophan turns into serotonin as it breaks down, which can improve your mood. Vitamin B6 can help improve sleep, which has a positive impact on mood over time.
Digestive Health:
Fiber-rich banana peels can help regulate the digestive system, easing both constipation and diarrhea. This can be a particularly important benefit of banana peels for people with Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome.
Better Eyesight:
Vitamin A can help keep your eyes strong and healthy. This vitamin is abundant in both bananas and banana peels.