In response to the ravaging pandemic called the CORONA VIRUS or COVID 19, the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion has released a number of directives to be implemented in our churches across the country.
In a letter signed by the General Secretary of the Church, The Venerable Gershinen Paul Dajur, PhD and addressed to all Archbishops and Bishops, the leadership of the church has ordered as follows
1. Since the virus is communicable, the Church is to prayerfully put on hold the sharing of one chalice to all during Holy Communion. Other smaller Communion cups should be used for individual communication. Also handshakes and hugs during the exchange of peace shouid be substituted with non contagious gestures such as hand waving, mutual bowing or making the sign of the cross, etc
2. Priests and church members who observe symptoms similar to that of COVID 19 on themselves should call the hospital immediately for examination.
3. Let everyone be encouraged to observe a good personal hygiene through proper washing of hands with soap or hand sanitizer, covering of mouth with handkerchief when sneezing or coughing, etc.
Water and soap for washing of hands as well as hand sanitizers should be made available during services or events.
The letters ends by saying…
Please do not oversimplify, underrate, overrate, overreact or over spiritualize this issue of COVID 19.
“From lightening, fire, and tempest, from earthquake, drought and flood, from famine plague and pestilence, Good Lord deliver us”.
Let those who have ears hear.